LOGO ExectOS Operating System

Developing ExectOS

We leave you free to choose your working environment, but we also recommend working with VS Code, or VS Codium. Both are free to use, open-source IDEs, compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS operating systems. They falls under the same category as Atom, Sublime, and Text Wrangler, but they also has more advanced features. While the first one is am original code editor from the Microsoft©, VS Codium is essentially a telemetry-free, open-source version of VS Code.

Getting Started with VS Code

Opening a project in Visual Studio Code is straightforward, especially that you can find ExectOS.code-workspace file in project’s GIT repository. Once you checkout the source code, you can open the workspace file directly from the command line:

code ExectOS.code-workspace

Alternatively, you can start VS Code and use the menu options:

VS Code will load everything defined in the workspace file, including folder structure and settings specific to the ExectOS project. You’re now ready to start working on the project.